Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
MAS AL-AHROM, Demak — In the face of this new normal era, the education ranks in the ministry of religious affairs will conduct a learning process in 2020/2021 which starts on July 13, 2020, by learning from home. Only areas with green status can do face-to-face learning, and this can also be done by meeting the requirements, among others:
1. Green Zone
2. Recommendations for regional heads.
3. Parental consent
4. Madrasa readiness.
5. max quantity 50%
6. Facilities and infrastructure meet the COVID-19 health protocol
Based on the Joint Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs, dated June 15, 2020, regarding Guidelines for Implementation in the Academic Year and New Academic Year during the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) Pandemic and Decree of the Regent of Demak number: 360 /252 dated July 29, 2020, regarding the extension of the status of the emergency response to the Covid-19 disaster and the results of the meeting of the Head of Madrasah Aliyah Al Ahrom with the Class X, XI and XII Guardians on Saturday, August 08, 2020, Decided that MA Al Ahrom students departed for evaluation and Online Learning Coordination on the scheduled day. Click here to see the schedule.
When students enter the madrasa environment, they are accompanied by their homeroom teacher and the Health Cluster Team to prepare health protocols. Meanwhile, BK teachers and picket teachers can stand by to help carry out the socialization of online learning during this non-natural disaster of the covid-19 pandemic. And other teachers can also provide materials related to online learning so that students’ learning process in madrasas can be as much as possible. The Head of Madrasah stated, “That madrasas are not closed to students who want to come to madrasas. This evaluation and coordination is also carried out in order to see how teachers can provide explanations to students about online learning. And also monitoring activities carried out by children during at home,” explained Muhammad Najib, S.Pd.I
The first and second days went solemnly followed by students who also obeyed the health protocol rules. The rules include: First, always wear a cloth mask or face shield. Second, get used to washing hands using soap and running water every time you enter the madrasa or class environment and even when you go home from the madrasa. The third warning is to bring your goods and equipment and not borrow from friends, whether it’s stationary equipment, as well as other equipment such as places to drink and food.
“Madrasahs must be ready for all the changes that will occur. The most important role is for all teachers and education personnel. So that the purpose of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic does not become an obstacle,” continued Ahmad Mubarok, S.Pd as Vice Head of Student Affairs.
Evaluation and Coordination of Online Learning for Al Ahrom MA students starting at 07.30 – 09.00 WIB starting on Monday, August 10, 2020, by dressing freely, neatly, politely (not allowed to wear t-shirts and jeans) shoes and must use health protocols (wear masks). , keep your distance and wash your hands). Hopefully, in the future, the implementation of this activity will run smoothly and according to protocol, and the Ministry of Religion will soon open a madrasah.