Benefits of Lime and How to Use It
Nama | : Siti Maftukah |
NIS/NISN | : 170738/0026790016 |
Program Studi | : Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) |
Madrasah Aliyah Al Ahrom Karangsari
Research Reason
Who is not familiar with this plant? Of course, we are all familiar with this plant. Without us realizing this plant has become our daily needs, for example, when we are cooking. Surely we will need this plant because this plant is Lime. While the British call it the word Lime. Arabs call it the Limah.
Lime is a natural herbal plant that is productive for removing vital energy blockages, cough medicine, phlegm laxative (mucolytic), laxative urine, and sweat and helps the digestive process. Because lime plants contain lots of vitamin C and also have other nutrients such as carbohydrates, potassium, folate, calcium, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium, not only that, the benefits of Lime are many others.
It turns out that Lime has been known by our ancestors since centuries ago. There are many ancient records that write down the awesomeness of this green Lime. Lime since hundreds of years ago been very useful for health and everyday life.
Not only in Indonesia, but also in other parts of the world such as America and Europe. The origin and distribution of Lime from North India are related to Myanmar or in northern Malaysia. But some say that the Lime comes from the islands in Southeast Asia. The fruit and Lime juice can be used as an essential oil.
Here the author examines the Lime. This plant is a plant that has many benefits and natural properties. Indonesia provides many plants to prevent and treat various diseases. We should be proud as Indonesian people and should preserve it.
Therefore, the author is interested in writing a paper entitled “THE Efficacy of Lime Oranges and how to process them” so that readers know its true benefits of it.
B. Problem Finding
- What are the benefits of lime?
- What are the contents of lime?
- How to process lime?
C. Research Objectives
- So that everyone can know the benefits of lime,
- To find out the content in lime,
- To know how to process lime.
D. Benefits of Writing
- To provide information to readers about the efficacy and lime juice,
- So that readers can know that lime has a lot of content,
- So that readers know how to process lime properly.
A. Theoretical Basis
Lime is a natural herbal plant that is productive for removing vital energy blockages, cough medicine, phlegm laxative (mucolytic), laxative urine, and sweat and helps the digestive process. Because lime plants contain lots of vitamin C and other nutrients such as carbohydrates, potassium, folate, calcium, vitamin B6, and magnesium phosphorus, another name for Lime is Citrus Aurantifolia. The British call it Lime, while the Arabs call it Limah. Lime has come from Indochina, Myanmar, and North India.
Lime is one type of Citrus Geruk. Lime is a type of herbaceous plant that has many branches and twigs. Its height is about 0.5-3.5 m. The trunk of the tree is thorny and complex. At the same time, the outer surface of the skin is old and dull. The leaves are compound, elliptical with a rounded base, blunt tip, and jagged edges. The leaves are 2.5-9 cm long and 2-5 cm wide. The flowers are compound or single in size that grows in the axils of the leaves or on the stem with a diameter of 1.5-2.5. The petals are shaped like a bowl sharing 4-5 with a diameter of 0.4-0.7 cm. The crown leaves are 4-5, oval or lanceolate in shape with a length of 0.7-1.25 cm and a width of 0.25-0.5 cm, and are white.
Drinking Lime regularly, every morning, noon, and night will build stability and skill in the body. Lime juice can also prevent coughs. Not only that, Lime can make skin pores smaller and remove fat on oily skin. The flesh of the fruit can reduce the stomach.
Lime plants are spread throughout Indonesia, with the main production centers in North Sumatra, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Java, and South Sulawesi. The economic value of oranges has a relatively high level of welfare. The profit of citrus farming usually begins to be obtained in the 4th year, with the amount varying depending on the type and location.
Since hundreds of years ago, Rasulullah SAW has said that your stomach is a storehouse of disease and eat what can be medicine, and Lime is one of the fruits that can cure various diseases.
B. Data Description
- Benefits of Lime
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) has been known for a long time as a rich in benefits. The fruit tastes bitter, sour, and a little cold, but the benefits are very diverse.
According to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, member of the Sp3T (Center for Development and Application of Traditional Medicine) DKl Jakarta, lime juice can be used as a flavoring for dishes, drinks, refreshments, citrate making materials, as well as cleaning rust on metal and dirty skin. It can also be a mixture of herbs.
As a natural herb, lime is efficacious for removing vital energy blockages, cough medicine, laxative (mucolytic), laxative urine (diuretic), and sweat and helps the digestive process.
Lime contains essential oils, limonene, and linalool, as well as flavonoids, such as poncharin, hesperidine, rhoifolin, and naringin. The content of the ripe fruit is synephrine and N-methyltyramine, in addition to citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins A, B1, and C. Citric acid can prevent recurrence in post-ginal stone surgery patients.
Hj. Sarah Kriswanti, herbales who lives in Bandung, and dr. Setiawan Dalimartha from HIPTRI (Indonesian Association of Traditional Medicine and Acupuncture). Provide tips on using lime as an herb that helps cure disease.
- Benefits of Lime for People with Tonsils
Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils that sometimes results in a sore throat and fever. Clinically, this inflammation is acute (new), characterized by painful swallowing (odynophagia), and often accompanied by fever. While the chronic is usually not painful swallowing, but not significant, enough (hypertrophy) will cause difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).
Symptoms are fever, headache, sometimes chills, weakness, muscle aches with coughing, runny nose, hoarseness, bad breath, enlarged lymph nodes around the neck. Occasionally people with tonsillitis (chronic) snore during sleep (especially if accompanied by enlarged adenoids).
So the doctor advised eating lime because lime contains a lot of benefits.
- Benefits of Lime for People with Cough and Influenza
This disease occurs due to a decrease in the body’s resistance so that germs can quickly develop in our bodies. The high vitamin C content of limes is very useful in increasing the body’s resistance. So that pathogenic germs (germs that can cause disease) can be killed by the body.
Usually, people use it by splitting a lime, and then the split surface is smeared with whiting, then heated, before finally drinking the juice with clear water. This recipe is also helpful as a force to expel phlegm.
- Benefits of Lime for People with Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoid is a disease that occurs in the anus where the lips of the anus are swollen, which is sometimes accompanied by bleeding. This hemorrhoid disease gives pain to the sufferer and gives a feeling of inferiority and shame because he has hemorrhoid disease.
It is generally challenging to sit and defecate in patients with hemorrhoids because it hurts when the anal sphincter is under pressure. It is sometimes difficult to treat patients with severe hemorrhoids, so they can be given surgical removal of the hemorrhoids, which can have side effects that are sometimes not good. Because of this, hemorrhoids need to be watched out for and handled properly so that they are easy to treat.
Do not ignore and underestimate the hemorrhoids that you suffer because you can be made to suffer for life by hemorrhoids that are not handled properly to the roots. Mix the lime juice and the grated ginger juice, then add a tablespoon of honey.
- Benefits of Lime for the Face
Lime is nutritious for your face; some of the benefits of lime for the face include the following:
- Lime can make facial skin smoother.
- Lime can make facial skin white naturally.
- Lime can make skin beautiful.
- Lime is beneficial to close the pores.
- Disguise black spots or black spots.
- Rejuvenate skin.
- Redd’s lips.
- Removes excess fat on oily skin types.
- Removes wrinkles.
Outward appearance is an essential thing these days because everyone wants to be unique and look attractive. However, if there are skin problems such as acne on the face, it can be a big and embarrassing thing, even though many people from ancient times knew that lime is a natural acne remedy. It is rare for anyone to know that lime can treat acne.
Lime is used as an ingredient in the manufacture of beauty products, and some products even list lime as the essential ingredient of their products. Vitamin C and flavonoids (antioxidants) in lime are also beneficial for the skin, and this content can help revitalize skin cells, restore and renew cells, and strengthen blood vessels.
Acne comes from hormonal disorders in the blood that are not stable, also due to dirt that comes from outside, such as those in the air, and enters the skin pores and causes acne. There are also skin types prone to acne because of their fragility to dirt. Acne can also be caused by stress or depression after experiencing trauma. Natural acne medicine is better, and the effect is safer because the process is simple and does not use harmful chemicals, such as acne medication with lime.
Humans also have different skin colors. In addition to genetic factors, there are also several other factors, such as climate and weather. Facial skin is the most important part, especially for women. Therefore, women make several efforts to make facial skin clean and attractive.
The benefits of lime in beauty are the content of vitamin C which can make the skin white, smooth, and firm. This fruit contains vitamin C, which is helpful as an antioxidant.
Nutritional Content of Lime Fruit
Lime contains elements of chemical compounds that are beneficial, for example, citric acid, amino acids, essential oils, felandren, lemon camphor, kadinan, gerani-lacetate, glycosides, citric acid, fat, calcium, iron, sulfur, vitamin C1, and C. Lime contains saponin and flavonoid compounds, namely hesperidin. Hesperidin is useful for anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and inhibits prostaglandin synthesis. Hesperidin also inhibits azoxymethane (AOM) which induces carcinogenesis in rat bladder.
Lime also contains 1% essential oil containing citral, limonene, fenchon. Lime fruit is efficacious as cough medicine, febrifuge, and dysentery medicine, hemorrhoids, irregular menstruation, acne, hoarseness of cough, increased appetite, prevent hair loss, flu/fever, stop the habit of falling out, tonsils.
Lime juice can be used as a flavoring in cooking, beverages, refreshments, citric acid-making materials, and clean rust on dirty metal and skin. It can also be a mixture of herbs. Lime is efficacious for removing vital energy blockages, cough medicine, phlegm laxative, and helps the digestive process. Lime contains essential oils, limonene, and linalool, as well as flavonoids, such as poncharin, hesperidin, rhoifolin, and naringin. The content of the ripe fruit is synephrine and N-methyltyramine, in addition to citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins A, B1, and C. Prevents recurrence in post-ginal stone surgery patients.
C. Data Analysis
Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatra Abstract This research was conducted to find out how the benefits of lime and review the farmers’ income and farming. Furthermore, what do farmers face obstacles during farming. This study uses a financial analysis tool with criteria. Criteria B/C, NPV, and IRR. In addition, it also uses farm income analysis. From the analysis of the financial feasibility of lime farming, the B/C value is 4.19 at the 10% discount level and 2.56 at the 15% discount rate.
Furthermore, in lime analysis using IRR, the IRR value at the level of 10% and 15% is 14%. In describing that farming is feasible to run because the IRR value is greater than the OCC value (6%). The keywords are financial analysis, farming, lime. If the discount rate is 15%, then lime farming will generate a net benefit of Rp. 37,961,757, lime is feasible to run because it has an NPV value, IRR (Internal Rate of Return), and OCC (Opportunity of Capital) value.
The farmer’s income is approximate Rp. 53.29 million in net income, which the costs incurred by the role have deducted. By earning an income of Rp. 53,290,000 on average the farmers produce 4,400,000 per month. In calculating the feasibility of this project, a selling price varies from Rp. 2,000, Rp. 3,000/kg. discount rates of 10 percent and 15 percent aimed at anticipating price changes because the prices used in the price categories are consistent.