1. Follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and obey Allah SWT,
2. Streamline learning activities so that students can develop according to their abilities by upholding Islamic values,
3. Assist students in developing their self-potential optimally through intraandcular activities,
4. Develop a competitive situation between students and teachers in the direction of student creativity in the field of scientific work and artwork,
5. Develop Islamic life values in order to form students who are scientific, ethically intelligent.
1. Tahfidz Qur’an
2. Sewing
3. Marching Band
4. Sports
5. Computer
6. Automotive Motorcycle
7. Electro
8. Scouts
9. Rebana
1. Sewing
2. Marching Band
3. Volly
4. Basketball
5. Futsal
6. Office Applications
7. Graphic Design
8. Automotive
9. Electro
10. Takraw
Our Madrasah was established in 2009, is located on Jalan Nangka No. 45 Karangsari, Karangtengah, Demak.
© 2021 MA Al Ahrom Karangsari – Design by MA Al Ahrom.