Modern Islamic Education Concept Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
Foreign Languages As the Key to Science
This Modern Islamic Education Concept Pondok Darussalam Gontor was inspired by the events at the Indonesian Muslim Congress at Surabaya, in 1926. inspired by Indonesian Muslims, for example. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto, Kyai Mas Mansur, H. Agus Salim, AM. Sangaji Usman Amin etc. In the congress, it was decided that Muslims in Indonesia should send their representatives to the world Islamic Muktamar to be held in Mecca. But there is a problem about who will be the representative. Because the messenger sent must be able to speak two Arabic and English languages. But none of the congressional participants mastered the two languages. It was this event that inspired K. H. Ahmad Sahal, then one of the congressmen, to produce figures who had the above criteria. And this is a very valuable thought input for the form and characteristics of Modern Islamic Education Concept Pondok Darussalam Gontor institution.
In the process of studying at KMI Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, the introductory language used is; Arabic for religious science and lessons that use Arabic, English for subjects that speak English and Indonesian for Indonesian-language subject matter. However, it needs to be revealed that for the first degree, religious and other knowledge materials are taught from the ground up. Like children who sit in first class they are taught using Indonesian, because at this level they do not yet have an established language ability to study books that speak Arabic, they have just learned the basics of Arabic with direct method. Then in the second year they were taught in Arabic, after they had sufficient abilities, so that they could read simple Arabic books that matched their abilities such as; Nahwu Wadih, Khulashoh Nurul Yaqin, Tarikh Islam, Fara’id and others. So does English, such as: Berltiz, Stories for You. And in the teaching of foreign languages in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor “Must leave the local language and Indonesia”, which means that the person must be willing to come out of the old life to go to something new.
From the Modern Islamic Education Concept Pondok Darussalam Gontor, the author can written a conclusion, that the main factors that support the success of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor in teaching and education and especially in the teaching of Arabic and English language and instill it in the souls of students as the key to unlocking the treasures of science; religious and ordinary, as dr. Dihyatun Makon revealed, he mentioned:Â
- Qudwah Hasanah from the founders and souls of their struggle for Islam and Muslims throughout their lives reflected in the five souls, Sincerity, Simplicity, Didikari, Ukhuwah Islamiyah and the soul of freedom.
- Systematic living arrangements in boarding schools that serve to train themselves, physically and resourcefully with various activities aimed at increasing the potential in Islamic society that is responsible for the advancement of Islam and muslims and able to defend religion and nation.
- The teachers are the product of Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, all of whom sincerely carry out their duties without asking for any services of all that, because they do not yand arka n hi dup mere ka p there teach in pond ok. Most of them are farmers, they live off their crops.
- All students are obliged to stay in the room and follow all the existing rules, there is no place for those who are idle in front of the teachers and the sincere kyai. If they do not conform to their lives, they are welcome to seek a better place.
- Away from the big cities, and the influence of existing developments, the state of peace. Students are not allowed to participate in activities in the community such as demonstration; political, economic
These are some of the factors that support the success in the teaching of Arabic and English language in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, in the end the students are expected to be able to speak and understand Islamic and general books written in both languages. In this case K.H. Drs. Imam Badri said:
“From language teaching, students are expected to have language skills, which includes Al-Muhadtsah (Speaking), Al-Insyak (making up), Al-Imla’ (Writing), Al-Qiro’ah (Reading, and Al-Istima’ (listening). Even furthermore, students are expected to understand the Qur’an and Sunnah of nabawiyah and other Books; both in Arabic and English and able to convey the mission of Isaman to others with that language”
Mastering a foreign language is very important, as a tool to express ideas, effective communication both to culture, science and fellow human beings that can give birth to positive values for all mankind.
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- Islamic Education Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
- Concepts Islamic Education Pesantren Darussalam Gontor
- Modern Islamic Education Concept Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
Full Day School With Dormitory System
The term “Pondok” means room, hut, small house or simple building. And it comes from the arabic funduq that weighs on the hotel, or lodging. The term cottage is also defined as dormitory. Thus, the cottage is clouded by the meaning of the residence of students, a place of learning that has an important role in the institution of pesantren education.
Karel A Steenbrink, briefly and simply refers to pondok modern Darussalam Gontor as pesantren which is still quite rooted in pesantren tradition and has taken a new path. So, the 24-hour educational process, so that “everything that is seen, heard, and noticed by these students is for education” that can be taken and instilled in their souls to form personalities in terms of reason, akhlaq, physical and other educational factors.
In general, the activities in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor are allocated to all students, namely daily, weekly and annual activities. As for the following:
a. Santri Daily Activities at Pondok Pesantren Gontor
1 | 04.00 – 05.30 | • Wake up.
• Congregation’s Dawn Prayer. • Read the Qur’an. • Addition of Arabic and English Vocabulary. |
2 | 05.30 – 06.00 | • Sports activity.
• Bathing. • Language, Arts, skills courses etc. |
3 | 06.00 – 06.45. | • Breakfast.
• Classroom Preparation |
4 | 07.00 – 12.30. | • Morning Class Entry. |
5 | 12.30 – 14.00. | • Exit the class.
• Dzuhur prayer of worshippers. • Lunch. • Preparing for Afternoon Class. |
6 | 14.00 – 15.00 | • Afternoon classes |
7 | 15.00 – 15.45. | • Asr prayer in congregation.
• Read the Qur’an. |
8 | 15.45 – 16.45. | • Free activities.
9 | 15.45 – 17.15 | • Bathing and preparing to the mosque for magriban. |
10 | 17.15.-18.30. | • Magrib prayer.
• Read the Qur’an. |
11 | 18.30 – 19.30 | • Dinner. |
12 | 19.30 – 20.00 | • Isya’ prayer. |
13 | 20.00 – 22.00 | • Study nights together |
14 | 22.00 – 04.00 | • Rest And Sleep |
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- Islamic Education Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
- Concepts Islamic Education Pesantren Darussalam Gontor
- Modern Islamic Education Concept Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
b. Santri Weekly Activities at Pondok Pesantren Gontor
1 | SUNDAY | After isya’ conducted speech practice ( Muhadhoroh ) in English for grades I – IV, while the students of class V Held a discussion, and the grade VI students became advisers for speech training groups. |
2 | TUESDAY | In the morning, after the dawn prayer. Arabic and English conversational exercises, then continued the mandatory morning run for all students. |
3 | THURSDAY | The Last Two Hours of Morning Lessons, Used For Speech Exercises In Arabic. After lunch, scout training is held, and the evening after praying isya jama’ah is done speech practice in indonesian language. |
4 | FRIDAY | The morning after dawn prayer, Arabic and English Conversation Exercises and followed by a mandatory morning run for students, after which the bhakti work is done cleaning the campus environment, after which the activities are free. |
Among the annual events is the introductory week of Khutbatul ‘Arsy to introduce life in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor as a whole the events held in the introductory week are:
- Hymne Oh Pondokku song teaching. for new students,
- Sports and arts week.
- Jamboboes and raimuna, attended by Gontor branch huts and Alumni Cottages.
- Agile intelligent competition between dormitories.
- Contest to read qur’an with song or MTQ.
- Gymnastics competition between rayon (dormitories)
- Row races between rayons.
- Annual apples.
- Khutnatul ‘Arsy Public Lecture
- Language demonstration (regional and international).
- Rabana performances and theatre.
- Festival of songs and read poems.
- Music performances between KMI students.
- Music performances between students.
- Drama arena for V graders.
- Happy Stage for Grade VI
Boarding school life was created with adequate displin, and students were trained to discipline themselves by participating in existing programs. This strict timing is intended so that students who are in this period of growth can get used to the hard work. Because adolescence and leisure, it will encourage teenagers to do damage. In this case K.H. Imam Zarkasyi advised: “Be disciplined with conviction, Remember what all the rules are for, for what discipline is for“.
In fact Islam contains very important teachings about this discipline. Praying with the division of time, fasting by self-discipline, and so on carrying out discipline is very light, when done by all compulsion. This feels appropriate as explained in the Qur’an about the discipline of heavy prayer for forced persons, but it is light for people who know the meaning of prayer.
K.H. Imam Zarkasyi advised his students:
“Make patient and pray as your help. And verily, this is hard except for the believers.” and “As big as your faith, that’s how much you get.”
Pondok pesantren as an Islamic educational institution with a boarding system, where three educational centers (Families, schools and communities) are integrated in one environment. That makes it very possible to achieve an effective and efficient environment and instill the soul and value of education and implement the whole kegitan of education and teaching. Finished the conclusion about the Modern Islamic Education Concept Pondok Darussalam Gontor, may you like it.. Thank you for reading my article.
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- Islamic Education Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
- Concepts Islamic Education Pesantren Darussalam Gontor
- Modern Islamic Education Concept Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
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